The Takeaway:
1. Our Pick: EdgeStar DEP301EW Portable Dehumidifier
2. Runner-Up: Friedrich Dehumidifier
3. Value Pick: NewAir AD-250 Compact Dehumidifier
One of the most important considerations when buying a dehumidifier is proper sizing. To evaluate the best dehumidifier for 1000 square feet, you must know how much moisture extraction you’ll need. That value largely depends on your climate, but a good rule of thumb is to look for something 20-30 pints per day for a space of that size.
With that in mind, our pick for the best dehumidifier in its class is the EdgeStar DEP301EW Portable Dehumidifier, and we’ll explain why in just a moment. To help you make a rational purchasing decision, however, we’ll also outline the other devices in our final four.
Top Pick: EdgeStar DEP301EW Portable Dehumidifier
The EdgeStar DEP301EW 30-pint Portable Dehumidifier is functionally similar to the Frigidaire. In fact, right down the line, they offer identical functionality, so it comes down to price. When all the features are identical, what else is there to compare?
The EdgeStar, in our view, narrowly beats the Frigidaire 30 pints dehumidifier by providing a slightly better overall value for the money, but both offer the same feature set, including the 30-pint per day extraction capability, making the device ideally suited for use in a 1000 square foot space, no matter what kind of climate you happen to live in. It’s an exceptional machine, a great value, extremely well reviewed and reliable. You definitely won’t go wrong here.
Runner-Up: Friedrich D25BNP Dehumidifier
By any reckoning, the Friedrich D25BNP Dehumidifier is a solid, reliable machine. It is Energy Star certified, plugs into a standard outlet, and has a convenient front-accessible water collection tank that can be manually dumped when it gets full. It’s also relatively quiet, and with a capacity of 25 pints per day, it’s well-suited to meet the needs of everyone but people living in extremely damp or humid environments.
Don’t let the lack of a built-in condensate pump dissuade you. You won’t find a condensate pump on units of this size. If you’d rather not manually empty the bucket, it also has a drainage port. Attach a hose, and provided you’ve got someplace to drain the water to, it provides hands-free operation.
Value Pick: NewAir AD-250 Compact Dehumidifier
The most compact of the models in our final four, the NewAir AD-250 Dehumidifier is the ideal purchase for people who are very limited on space, and who want a device with as small a footprint as possible. The casters make it easy to move from one location to another, and like the Friedrich above, it has a 25 pint per day extraction capacity, which should be sufficient for everyone except those living in extremely wet or humid environments, where a device of this size will struggle to keep pace.
The major reason that this one didn’t actually wind up being our final pick is that its moisture extraction capability is a bit on the light side, but if you live anywhere but the rainy Northwest or the Southeast, this would be an excellent choice.
Honorable Mention: Frigidaire FFAD3033R1 Dehumidifier
The Frigidaire brand is known the world over, and the fact is that they make great products. The Frigidaire FFAD3033R1 Dehumidifier is no exception. It is energy-efficient and filled with great, user-friendly options. Like a splash guard for easy manual emptying of the bucket, a continuous drain option (provided you’ve got a place to vent the water safely), full tank alerts, and an auto shutoff feature when the tank nears capacity, along with an easy to read digital humidistat. And there’s a lot to like about the machine. With a 30-pint per day extraction capability, this is also one of the most robust machines in its class. It would make an excellent addition to any home.
What Is The Best Dehumidifier for 1000 Square Feet In 2025?
The most important things to remember regarding finding the best dehumidifier for 1000 square feet are these:
First, you do not need more than a 30-pint per day extraction capability, no matter what part of the country you live in. Second, dehumidifiers of this size don’t come with built-in condensate pumps, so you will have to manually empty the collection bucket or set up a drainage system for continuous operation.
Considering those two key parameters, the EdgeStar 30 DEP301EW is our winner by the nose.
Recommended Reading
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Looking for the best dehumidifier for basement use? We’ve evaluated top options to help you make an informed decision.
Sources and Official Brand Websites:
EdgeStar | Friedrich | NewAir | Frigidaire | Using Dehumidifier