In a Nutshell:
The Gurin DHMD-310 is a smallish, easy-to-use dehumidifier. Recommended for anyone with a small growing space, a single room, or an RV, who finds themselves in need of a means of controlling humidity.
Feature Set
Ease of Use
Value for the Money
Brand Reliability*
Overall Rating
Recommended For: Anyone with a small growing space, a single room, or an RV, who finds themselves in need of a means of controlling humidity.
Do you have a small indoor grow space? An RV? A bathroom or other single room that suffers from persistent moisture problems? If so, you’re going to like what you read in this review.
The Gurin DHMD-310 is one of several small-sized dehumidifiers built to handle moisture problems like the ones we described above. Granted, it’s not perfect, and the company did make a few sacrifices to keep the cost relatively low, but we were impressed.
Gurin isn’t a big or especially well-known brand, but they have a reputation for making quality products, and this little dehumidifier is an excellent choice if you’re only worried about controlling humidity in a relatively small area.
In the sections that follow, we’ll tell you all about everything it can do, and we’ll be quick to point out its shortcomings and limitations, so you’ll have all the information you need at your fingertips to decide for yourself if this is the model you want. Let’s dive in and see what the Gurin can do!
Overview of the Gurin DHMD-310 Mid-Size Electric Dehumidifier
The Gurin DHMD-310 is small. Almost delightfully small, really. That’s the first thing that’s likely to enter your mind when you see the unit for the first time. Measuring just 5” x 8” x 13.5,” this little dehumidifier has the advantage of being able to fit just about anywhere. So, even if you’re somewhat cramped for space, you won’t have any trouble finding a permanent home for it. Even better, it weighs in at just over four pounds when empty, so moving it and emptying the water reservoir is a simple matter.
It’s not unattractive, merely unobtrusive. It was designed to sit somewhere out of the way and quietly do its job, so it doesn’t need to be flashy or showy; it just needs to work. It does, and in fact, it works very well indeed. It’s whisper-quiet, and as long as you’re mindful of its limited water extraction capabilities and don’t put it in too large a space, it’ll serve you very well indeed.
Gurin DHMD-310 Features
The very first thing to talk about in this section of our Gurin DHMD-310 review is the capacity of the unit, because this, more than anything else, sets the parameters of where and how this little dehumidifier can be used.
While larger dehumidifiers measure their daily water extraction capacity in pints, smaller units like this one don’t typically say anything at all about their daily extraction capacity, focusing instead on the size of their reservoirs.
This one, in particular, has a 50-ounce reservoir, which works out to a little better than 3 pints, and in a smaller room or grow space, you can generally expect it to take 1-2 days for the reservoir to fill to capacity. Speedy, it is not.
The second thing to talk about is that it’s got a nine-foot power cord, which makes it perfect for small grow tents (2’ x 2’) because you can plug it in outside the tent, set it up somewhere in the middle and let it do its thing.
Next up, let’s talk about its energy efficiency. It sips power, only using 60-watts, so you won’t have to worry much about running up your power bill while you’re dehumidifying, and if you have a tiny grow tent, it won’t add much to the temperature inside.
Peltier Technology
The secret to the unit’s efficiency lies in the fact that this model makes use of Thermo-electric Peltier technology. In a nutshell, it works by running electricity through a Peltier module, which creates a temperature difference inside the module, with one side heating up and the other cooling down, which is what facilitates dehumidification.
The big advantage of using this technology for dehumidification is that it’s quiet and efficient. The biggest disadvantages are that it’s slow, and it doesn’t remove moisture quickly, and sure enough, both of those limitations are present in this design.
Another potential advantage with this model is the fact that it comes with a 12-volt DC 5-Amp power adapter. That makes sense, given that the DHMD-310 is specifically marketed to RV owners. It’s a small thing, and it won’t be beneficial to everyone who buys one of these, but kudos to Gurin for the addition. Situationally, it’s extremely handy.
Finally, there’s no problem with spillage because the Gurin DHMD-310 Mid-Size Electric Dehumidifier has a sensor in the tank and automatically shuts the dehumidifier off when the tank reaches maximum capacity. As to the tank itself, it’s super easy to remove and empty, which means you’ll have the water disposed of and the machine ready to use in a matter of seconds.
Pros and Cons of Gurin DHMD-310 Electric Dehumidifier
There really is a lot to like about this little unit. It’s surprisingly well made, although understand that it’s made in China and from relatively low-quality parts, so this isn’t a machine you can expect to last for years at a stretch. Even so, we were pleasantly surprised by the overall production quality.
While it doesn’t have an abundance of features, we do like that the design utilizes Peltier technology, and the auto-shutoff function is handy.
On the other hand, this unit struggles to do its job quickly. That matters because the main job of a dehumidifier is, after all, to extract moisture from the air, preferably sooner rather than later.
The Gurin DHMD-310 Electric Dehumidifier certainly gets the job done, but if you’re in a hurry, it’s not the model for you. Given its extremely limited maximum daily extraction limit (best case, you’ll get a pint and a half a day), if your needs are greater than that, you’ll either need to buy several of these or get something more robust.
The problem with the idea of buying several is that for just a little more money than the price of one of these, you can get a unit that can pull 20+ pints a day from the air, so buying several of this model isn’t really a cost-effective option.
Another downside is this: There’s no way you can tell, just by looking at this machine, what the humidity of the room it’s sitting in is. There’s no built-in humidistat, so you’ll need to buy one and place it in the room with this little unit so you can track and measure its effectiveness.
It’s easy to see why that feature was left off. You almost never find tiny dehumidifiers like this with an onboard humidistat, because it would dramatically increase the price. Even so, if you need to carefully track your humidity (and if you’ve created an indoor growing area, you do), you’ll need to spend some extra money and get one.
Gurin DHMD-310 Review Conclusion
So, where does that leave us? Honestly, dehumidifiers like this are only situationally useful. If you have a small room or grow space with very limited water extraction needs, a little device like the Gurin DHMD-310 is perfect, but its lack of speed where moisture removal is concerned is (or easily can be) a significant drawback, and it’s all too easy to overwhelm a unit like this.
The good news is that the worst that will happen if you do overwhelm it is that it’ll run constantly, but given its modest power usage, that’s not really the end of the world.
Ultimately, the DHMD-310 is a largely self-selecting product. If you have very modest moisture extraction needs and aren’t in a rush, this is a great option. If your needs run much past a pint a day, this is most definitely not the dehumidifier you want.
It’s a good unit for what it is, and it has a surprising number of features for the price, it’s just…limited. On that basis, we provisionally recommend it.
References & Resources
- Gurin, Official Brand Website.
- Dehumidifiers, Explain That Stuff.
- How Dehumidifiers Work, HowStuffWorks.
- Does Using a Dehumidifier Help to Reduce Heating Costs?, The Guardian.
- The Peltier Effect and Thermoelectric Cooling, The Physics of Cooling Techniques.