In a Nutshell:
The Eva Dry E500 is small, unobtrusive, effective. Recommended for anyone with modest moisture problems to deal with. These are fantastic.
Feature Set
Ease of Use
Value for the Money
Brand Reliability*
Overall Rating
Recommended For: Anyone with modest moisture problems to deal with. These are fantastic.
Do you have a closet, bathroom, boat, RV, or small indoor growing space that consistently has too much moisture? Have you been looking at small dehumidifier options to try and solve the problem, and found yourself underwhelmed by the choices available?
We know exactly how you feel, and if that’s been your experience to this point, we think you’re going to love what you read in this Eva Dry e500 review.
Eva-Dry is a good company with a reputation for offering quality products, and although the tiny E-500 doesn’t look like much at first glance, by the time you reach the end of this review, we think you’ll agree: This is one of the best small-space dehumidifiers out there.
If you’re curious to know more, read on, and we’ll tell you everything about this design and what it can do.
An Overview of the Eva Dry e 500 Dehumidifier
Let’s start with the basics. The Eva Dry e500 is a tiny device, measuring just 8” x 2.5” x 5.5” and weighing in at a scant 1.8 pounds. It’s small and light enough to fit almost anywhere, and it’s got an unobtrusive design that will allow it to blend seamlessly into the background where it will quietly do its work.
Emphasis on the word ‘quietly’ because this little guy doesn’t have to be plugged in and does not require a motor of any kind to do what it does. Just place it anywhere; you have a small amount of space and let it do its thing.
We do, however, need to talk about capacity because, at first glance, the E-500 doesn’t look all that useful. Best case, it can only absorb and extract about 8 ounces of water before it needs to be dried out. That’s not great, but if you just look at that number, you’re missing the point.
This little unit is so modestly priced that it’s easy to deploy packs or swarms of them. You could buy three of these for the same price you’d pay for a small room, electric-powered dehumidifier, and wind up with the same level of water extraction capacity. The question is, why bother with that? Wouldn’t buying one device be the better move?
No, and here’s why: Most of the dehumidifiers in this segment of the market are made with low-cost components, manufactured in China, and imported for sale here. The problem is that after a year or two of use, they’re done. You’ll have to toss ‘em and buy new. The Eva Dry e 500 dehumidifier will last you up to ten years, so in the long run, you’re saving a ton of money.
The secret to the success and longevity of the E-500 lies in the fact that it relies on little silica gel beads to absorb moisture from the air. When the beads still have absorption capacity, they’ll be orange in color. When they’re full, they change to green. That’s your visual marker for when you need to plug them in and allow them to dry out.
Plugging the unit in activates a small heating element inside the unit that warms the beads, drying them out. Just plug it into any open, well-ventilated area overnight, and by morning, it will be ready for re-deployment. That’s all there is to it.
There’s no chance of a drip or spill. The silica beads are pet and child-safe, and if you’re a grower with a smallish growing space (a 2’ x 2’ or 3’ x 3’ grow tent, for example), you won’t have to worry about adding any heat to your grow tent because the only time you’ll be plugging these in will be when you want to dry them out.
Even better, the company offers an impressive 5-year warranty on the E-500, so if you have any problems with it during those first five years of use, you can get a replacement with ease.
Eva Dry E 500 Dehumidifier Features
There’s really not much to talk about in this section of our Eva-Dry e-500 Renewable Mini Dehumidifier review. The housing holds the aforementioned silica beads that handle the moisture absorption, and when you plug the unit in, it activates a heating element that warms and dries the beads back out for reuse. That’s it. That’s really all there is to this unit.
If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, you could probably fabricate one of these at your house if you were interested. Not that it would save you much money, but if you opted to go that route, you could make the housing any shape you wanted. If you wanted to 3D print a bust of your Uncle Milton or your favorite car, you could do that. Then just fill it with silica beads you sourced from elsewhere, include a heating element for faster dry outs, and you’d be set. Again though, given how modestly priced these little units are, the only real upside to doing something like that is that you could get creative in terms of the housing.
Pros and Cons of Eva Dry E 500
This is the ultimate set-and-forget solution for humidity control. You don’t have to do anything except doing a quick visual inspection on the color of the beads inside the e-500 Renewable High Capacity Dehumidifier. When you see green, take them down from wherever you’ve got them sitting, plug them in overnight and then, the next morning, redeploy for more moisture extraction fun.
That’s it. That’s literally all there is to using these handy little dehumidifiers.
The only real downside we see is that with a scant 8-ounce extraction capacity, they’re impractical for use in larger enclosed growing spaces, where a bigger, more robust dehumidifier would serve you better. Even so, for small, tightly enclosed areas, these are awfully hard to beat, especially when you buy three or four of them and use them in concert.
They’ll do the job quickly, efficiently and quietly, and best of all, they’re long-lasting, so you’ll only be making a one-time purchase, as opposed to having to ditch your motor-driven mini-dehumidifier when the motor inevitably fails, which will see you shelling out more money every 1.5 to 2 years.
Eva Dry e500 Reviews Conclusion
Individually, these little units aren’t that impressive. Its real power and effectiveness aren’t on full display until you get 2-4 of them operating in tandem. At that point, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without them.
Granted, small room dehumidifiers like these have their limitations. If you have a big job and a room with massive amounts of excess moisture, little guys like these simply won’t be able to keep pace. They’ll work hard, and they’ll help some, but they won’t be able to make a big enough difference in situations where you’ve got a tremendous amount of moisture to remove.
As long as you keep their limitations in mind, however, and don’t ask too much of them, they certainly won’t disappoint, and best of all, unlike most of the other dehumidifiers offered in its price range, this one will last you for years to come. We recommend it.
Sources and Official Brand Websites
- Eva Dry e500 User Manual.
- Eva-Dry, Official Brand Website.
- How Dehumidifiers Work, HowStuffWorks.
- Dehumidifier Frequently Asked Questions, Editor Sean.
- Should You Ever Run Your Dehumidifier in Winter?, Jones Heating & Air.