In a Nutshell:

The Miele CM6350 is a moderately priced superautomatic with a user-friendly design, milk frothing system, and self-cleaning functions. It’s suitable for large households and small office settings.

Brew Quality
Customization options
Ease of Use

Overall Rating



  • Works quickly for efficient operation
  • Quiet operation for a peaceful environment
  • Easy automatic cleaning for hassle-free maintenance
  • Fast milk frothing system for quick preparation
  • Compact and lightweight design for easy storage and portability


  • No water filtration feature
  • Limited to using roasted coffee or espresso beans
Miele CM6350 Coffee System

Recommended For: Avid coffee drinkers who want their very own robotic barista at home.

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Coffee at home can be as good as the coffee brewed by your favorite barista at the cafe. You just need the right machine!

That’s where superautomatics are changing the game, with technological features that make the art of espresso fast, tasty, and hands-free.

In our Miele CM6350 review, we take a close look at a stunning espresso machine that gives you all of the comfort and joy you could ever want in a cup.

Miele 6350 Design Overview

Miele is a well-established brand known for producing innovative, functional products consumers can rely on for years.

That reputation is on display with the Miele CM6350 superautomatic, a surprisingly compact bean-to-cup coffee machine that is so adept. It leaves fancy, feature-rich models in the dust.

That’s why you shouldn’t be too afraid when you see how much this minimalistic-looking machine costs. It’s definitely expensive, but you get your money’s worth when you see how well it performs (and how long it lasts).

Before we fan-girl too hard over here, let’s go over the Miele CM6350 specs.

Miele CM6350 Coffee Machine in black and chrome with milk container and the machine's dimensions

As we said, this is a smaller machine, but it’s packed with cutting-edge technology. The Miele CM6350’s dimensions are 17 x 10 x 14 inches, and weighs 22 pounds.

There are no protruding parts or tall bean hopper. Instead, you get a sleek, unobtrusive shape that fits neatly on countertops in large or small kitchens.

We were surprised to see that a superautomatic of this caliber (and price) is made with plastic parts. But all is forgiven since the majority of these parts are removable, dishwasher safe, and super easy to clean (more on that later).

Overall, we like the design of the CM6350. It certainly doesn’t look cheap and can keep up with the busy day-to-day of the modern household.

For one, it’s the first superautomatic we’ve seen that gives the option to brew eight cups of coffee in one session. And if you want a ristretto? It can froth and steam milk all on its own.

The CM6350’s compact size does not hinder performance, making this ideal for large families with multiple coffee drinkers or small offices.

CM6350 Miele Features

Next, we break down each of 6350 Miele’s features to see how well it performs and whether the coffee tastes as good as Miele CM 6350 reviews claim.

61-oz Water Tank

Miele CM6350's transparent water tank

All good coffee starts with the water, which means the purer it is, the better tasting your coffee will be.

Most superautomatics come with a built-in filtration system, which guarantees the quality of water. Not only does this improve the flavor of the coffee, but it cuts down on mineral build-up that leads to frequent descaling.

We were a little sad to see that the CM6350 doesn’t have a filtration system. But it’s not a big deal, as you can always use filtered or distilled water to get the same results.

At least it comes with an above-average sized 61-oz water tank. It ensures you won’t be running to refill it too often, a chore that quickly gets old with smaller tanks.

Grinder & Ground Coffee Chute

Miele CM6350 Superautomatic with two full espresso glasses on the drip tray and a cup of cappuccino beside the machine

The Miele coffee machine CM6350 has a built-in grinder and bypass chute, which is always a plus with superautomatics since you won’t have to buy one separately.

Just pour fresh beans into the 330g capacity bean container and adjust your grinder settings.

There are five grind settings to choose from, so you can make your ground coffee as coarse or fine as you desire.

The cone grinder is stainless steel, and while it does a fine job of extracting every trace of flavors and aromas from the beans, we did find it to be a bit picky regarding the types of beans it accepts.

It’s recommended to use roasted coffee or espresso beans for the best results. Any other type, and you risk damaging the grinder.

If fresh whole beans aren’t your jive, there’s a bypass chute to scoop in pre-ground coffee.

Make sure to use the measuring spoon included with the CM6350, scooping out two leveled spoonfuls into the chute. Add too much and the machine won’t be able to process it properly.

Milk Frothing System

Miele 6350 Superautomatic Espresso Machine in black and chrome and its aluminum milk container

One of the standout features of the Miele coffee machine 6350 is the automatic milk frothing system.

Brewing a creamy cappuccino couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is fill the included milk jug and hit a button. The milk system works fast and efficiently, spouting out a perfectly balanced amount of milk or froth.

We were impressed with the speed and quality of the pipes, not to mention how easy it is to clean the milk components (more on that later)!

If you love specialty drinks but are always on the go, this is the speedy milkman that can deliver a professional-grade froth in no time.

Brewing Capabilities

Miele CM6350 coffee machine with two glasses of latte macchiato on the drip tray

Miele did an impeccable job of piecing together some of the finest coffee technology to create one of the easiest, fastest, and best quality brew systems we’ve seen.

Starting with the display, it’s large and clear with user-friendly buttons, so we don’t even need to reference the Miele CM6350 manual.

There are eight drink specialties to choose from on the menu, including ristretto, espresso, hot milk/froth, coffee, cappuccino, latte macchiato, cafe latte, and long coffee.

Adjusting the coffee settings is a breeze, and you can finetune your coffee, so it’s as strong as you like. The system grinds and brews 6-14 grams of coffee beans per cup, so the more you add, the stronger your drink will be.

You can also adjust the brew temperature and pre-brewing for each drink.

And that’s not all. There’s also a pre-infusion to ensure the most thorough and even extraction of aromas and flavors.

When you choose this setting, the machine adds water to the brew unit before extraction, pushing the water through the grounds to release the rich aromas.

You can also set the Miele CM6350 coffee machine to brew multiple cups of coffee at one time. And we’re not just talking about one or two cups either—it can dispense up to eight cups of coffee into a pot like a drip coffee machine.

If there’s one thing Miele 6350 reviews rave about, it’s the taste and quality of the coffee. The technology is precise, and the results are top tier compared to some models that fall within the same price range.

User Profiles

Miele CM6350 Coffee Machine's small text display and buttons for the basic controls

One more awesome feature that we were happy to see on the Miele Coffee CM6350 is the ability to save up to 10 user profiles for future use.

It makes the brewing process so much easier, especially if you have multiple coffee drinkers in your household.

For example, say you’ve spent weeks playing around with the brew settings, and you finally hit the jackpot combination that is your perfect recipe.

Instead of having to remember the details with your groggy morning brain, you can save it to your user profile, and it will remember it for your next brew session.

It is a rare feature you usually find offered by the most expensive superautomatics, so big points scored here!


The Miele CM6350 freestanding coffee system comes with everything you need to get your brew on.

We’re still disappointed there’s no water filter, but the sexy glass milk container more than makes up for it.

The package includes:

  • Glass milk container
  • Descaling tablets
  • Cleaning tablets
  • Coffee spoon for measuring ground coffee

Miele CM6350 Coffee System Setup & Operation

Setting up the Miele CM6350 fully automatic espresso machine is a straightforward process with easy-to-follow instructions.

We summarize the initial steps below, but bear in mind that it will take a few brew sessions for an optimal coffee aroma and rich crema to formulate.

1. Disassemble and Clean

When you take the CM6350 or any superautomatic out of the box, the first thing you’ll want to do is clean the parts.

Thankfully, many of this model’s parts are removable, so you can easily rinse the water tank and drip tray under the faucet.

2. Fill the Water Tank

Fill the water tank to the max line and set the water hardness.

3. Automatic Rinse Cycle

Assemble the machine and power it up. The CM6350 will warm up, then automatically initiate a rinse cycle to clean the inner workings thoroughly. The milk system also automatically cleans itself.

From there, it will guide you on the next steps to begin brewing coffee.

4. Beans and Buttons

When you’re ready to brew, fill the bean container and set your desired grind setting.

At this time, it’s also a good idea to place your mug up on the cup warming tray. A warm cup makes a noticeable difference in the temperature of your coffee!

Choose your drink on the control panel, select your settings, and voila—the CM6350 handles the rest!

Miele 6350 Coffee Machine Cleaning Process

We found the majority of the CM6350’s maintenance to be hands-off, which is always a sought-after feature with superautomatics.

The CM6350 self-cleans with an automatic rinse that flushes the entire system. It also does this with all milk components to ensure no dried milk residue is left behind.

The drip tray, water tank, grounds container, and brew group are removable for easy rinsing under the faucet. You can even use the dishwasher if you’re in a rush.

Every part is labeled for convenience, which is rare to see on a coffee machine.

On top of that, the CM6350 will give you step-by-step instructions and alerts when it’s time to do any maintenance tasks.

Be prepared to descale manually, but if you use filtered water to fill the tank, then this shouldn’t be a regular endeavor. The machine will alert you when it’s time to descale, and it comes with decalcifying tablets to accomplish this seamlessly.

Miele CM6350 Countertop Coffee Machine Pros vs. Cons


  • Works quickly
  • Quiet operation
  • Easy automatic cleaning
  • Fast milk frothing system
  • Compact and lightweight


  • No water filtration
  • Can only use roasted coffee or espresso beans

In our opinion, the Miele CM6350 coffee system is worth the expensive price, thanks to its phenomenal technological setup, functionality, and ease of use.

We particularly like the brew capabilities of this machine. The control panel isn’t overbearing and allows you to hit a few buttons, then sit back and relax as the machine walks you through each process.

The quality of the coffee is exceptional, thanks to a fine grinder and thorough pre-infusion function. You can tweak the brew settings to make your coffee just the way you like it, then save those settings to a user profile for next time.

Best of all, the convenience factor is out of this world—especially for cleaning. Almost all cleaning functions are automatic, and the machine will alert you when maintenance needs to be done.

You don’t need to think with the CM6350—just hit a button and drink your delicious coffee.

We recommend the Miele 6350 Espresso Machine for…

  • Small to large households with multiple coffee drinkers
  • Small office settings
  • Coffee aficionados who love quality specialty drinks

Miele CM6350 Fully Automatic Espresso Machine Warranty

Miele offers a two-year limited warranty from the date of purchase. You can read the fine print here.

Comparable Products

Miele has a few similar superautomatics that might be of interest to you. To see how the CM6350 stacks up, we share a brief comparison below.

Miele CM5300 vs 6350

The CM6350 is an upgraded version of the CM5300. Rest assured, both perform at a high caliber, and you’ll get delicious coffee with the push of a button.

The main differences lie in the capacity. The CM5300 bean container holds 7 oz of coffee beans, while the CM6350 can hold up to 10-oz.

Likewise, the water tank is smaller on the CM5300 at only 43 oz, which might mean more regular refills than the CM6350.

Finally, the CM6350 has a couple of features that the CM5300 does not offer. This includes the cup warming tray and the user profiles, which are highly useful and make the coffee experience much more enjoyable.

Overall, the CM5300 is an older model and much cheaper than the CM6350. But if you are passionate about coffee and convenience is important to you, you’ll get your money’s worth with the CM6350.

Miele 6150 vs 6350

Both the CM6150 and 6350 look identical at first glance, but both offer slightly different feature sets to users.

The bean container and water tank capacities are the same, as is the sleek futuristic design. You also get the same impeccable brewing prowess that Miele is known for with its coffee machines.

What sets these two apart are, again, the user profiles and cup warming tray for the CM6350. But for some, those features might not be a big deal to have.

If you’re on a tight budget, then this is where the CM6150 might be your match made in heaven.

It costs less than the CM6153, and though you don’t get the luxury extras like the ability to save profiles or warm your cups, you can still reap the benefits of a fantastic, fully automated coffee system for less.

Miele CM6350 vs. Jura E8 Espresso Machine

We had to add the Jura E8 to the mix, as it’s just as popular amongst coffee lovers as the CM6350 when it comes to performance and functionality.

Both models exhibit stylish, contemporary designs, but we prefer the CM6350 because of its compact dimensions.

However, the Jura E8 sports a larger water tank, cutting down on refills, making it suitable for larger office settings.

As for brewing capabilities, you’ll get an excellent cuppa with both of these machines. These brands are renowned for innovative coffee technology, ensuring a fast, hands-free experience that results in a full-bodied specialty beverage.

The CM6350 does have the cup warming tray going for it, which the Jura E8 lacks.

But honestly, these models are neck-and-neck regarding what they offer. It all comes down to personal preference.

Miele CM6350 Review Conclusion

There’s no doubt about it; we love what the Miele CM6350 can do with coffee. It’s a streamlined, no-fuss system that works fast and quietly, and produces a great-tasting cup of coffee for any household or small office setting.

To conclude this Miele CM6350 review, you will have to pay a modest price for this machine, but you get what you pay for. Thanks to an automatic cleaning process and durable parts, you can count on this machine for years to come.

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